Event 1//Research Discussion Panel


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APA CM Credits Pending

100923_3487_agyeman059.JPGDr. Agyeman is a professor at Tufts University in the Department of Urban + Environmental Policy + Planning. He is an environmental social scientist with degrees in botany, geography, conservation policy and environmental education. His works sit at the borders and intersections of a wide range of knowledges and methodologies and he utilizes these in creative and original ways. Dr. Agyeman’s current research interests critically explore complex and embedded relations between humans and the environment, whether mediated by institutions or social movement organizations, and the effects of this on public policy and planning processes and outcomes, particularly in relation to notions of justice and equity. Dr. Agyeman puts forward the powerful concept of Just sustainabilities which he describes as the integration of social/spatial justice and sustainability or “the need to ensure a better quality of life for all, now and into the future, in a just and equitable manner, whilst living within the limits of supporting ecosystems”.

In additional to many other accomplishments, Dr Agyeman was also the co-founder and chair of the Black Environment Network<http://www.ben-network.org.uk/> (BEN), the first environmental justice-based organization of its kind in Britain. He also co-founded and serves as Editor-in-Chief of Local Environment: The International Journal of Justice and Sustainability<http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/cloe20/current>. He was elected to the Fellowship of the Royal Society of the Arts<http://www.rsa.org.uk/> (FRSA) in 1996.

His most recent books include: Cultivating Food Justice : Race, Class and Sustainability<https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/cultivating-food-justice> (MIT Press) and Introducing Just Sustainabilities: Policy, Planning and Practice <http://www.zedbooks.co.uk/paperback/introducing-just-sustainabilities>. (Zed Books).

Panel discussants

Himanshu Grover, PhD – Department of Urban and Regional Planning, SUNY University at Buffalo

Heather Orom, PhD – Department of Community Health and Health Behavior, SUNY University at Buffalo

Ted Schmidt, PhD – Economics and Finance Department, SUNY Buffalo State 

Moderator: Samina Raja, PhD – Department of Urban and Regional Planning, SUNY University at Buffalo

“Just Sustainabilities in Food Systems Research” is  hosted by the B/a+p Public Event series which draws preeminent scholars and practitioners in planning and architecture from around the world.  The 2nd Buffalo Food Policy Summit that brings together diverse stakeholders to discuss opportunities for sustainable economic development through the food system in support of a healthier, more resilient Western NY.